Jovelle & Moris, A Patient Kind of Love

At a UST event, the universe finally summoned the stars for them to meet. It was just as if they never lost touch and felt the connection alive, once again. This time not through telephone lines.


The physical connection is more electrifying than a telephone connection, I guess!Love is indeed patient. They patiently waited and finally ended up in the altar after ten long years. Love is a risk. As Jovelle has said, it was a risk talking to a person whom she barely knew and have never met! Love is kind. As kind as the day when they said I do.Their wedding was sentimental, reflective, & nostalgic on all they’ve been through and that includes all the fun.

Foreveryday Photography(Gail Bitoon): “Heaven sent!”
Dreamechanics (Video): “Energetic, haha!”
Lindsay Co-Alog (Make-Up Artist): “ Absolutely talented!”
Zandra Lim (Designer): “My fairy godmother! All praises ang gown ko!!!”…(ooops, more than 2 words)
Thanks so much, Foreveryday Photography, for this wonderful pictures!
Foreveryday Photography
Make up: Lindsay Co-Alog
Contact no: 0917-8680511
Vid: DreamMechanics